The Death of Ealey
Posted Monday, October 7, 2013 11:07 PM

I started to address this topic with Ealey's full name, but we all addressed and remember him by only "Ealey".  I need some help in my not becoming Dagwood in 10/06/13 Sunday comics.  Dagwood was to go to the grocery store and return with only one item, his wife suggested he write it down, but no, only one item can be remembered.  Dagwood brought home eggs instead of ice cream....

I need confirmation of the date and area.  Time produces undocumented memory failure.  Now I only remember the one swim call we had during the 1973 Med Cruise, and as the Med books pictures states in was a July 4th for us.  I dove off the starboard arm, swam to the fifty foot boat, opened a beer, looked to the port side of the bow of the fifty foot boat and saw a person in an upside down U position.  I dove off the fifty footer, swam down, grabbed and me and God got him to the surface.  I swam with him in my right arm and hit the waves with my left arm.  I was almost at the point where I had to decide if it was him dropped and me staying at the top.  I remember somewhere in the swim I turned and saw Ealey, his eyes were open and fixed, foam was coming from his nose and mouth.  About that time another sailor came to OUR rescue, I never knew but I hope the other sailor had other sailors help him as swiming topside water with Ealey could not be done for a long period of time.  He was pronunced dead and someone told me he was flown to Jacksonville, Fl Naval Station and I assume then home for his family?


It understanding irony "Ealey" to me was the most fit person out of over 600 sailors on the Seattle.  Tall with a six pack stomach and a smile that when from ear to ear.  I would like to know the sailors name that relieved me??  I would like for Ealey's family to know sailors even thouse not in combat care for one another enough to try.


Any answers I prefer sent to my email,  Verification of yes this happend,  or verification of hash can make you trip.


Paul Carr

Somerville, Al