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Governing Docs



USS Seattle AOE-3 Veterans Association
We, the crew, officers and enlisted, who have served aboard USS SEATTLE (AOE-3) and having been Honorably Discharged or Retired, band together in order to perpetuate the memory and history of our ship, our shipmates and the service they performed for their country; to promote citizenship and patriotism; and to aid in the protection of our nation from all enemies whether foreign or domestic.
The name of the organization shall be:
The Administrative Office shall be located at the office of the duly elected President. 
A.      To organize, preserve, strengthen, promote interest, camaraderie, and communication among its members through personal contact, committees, and periodic reunions.
B.      To renew and expand the friendships gained in the service of our country as shipmates of the USS SEATTLE.
C.      To establish a social organization not officially associated with any military establishment.
D.      To promote the memory of all who perished in the service of their country.
E.      To establish and maintain unclassified records of the operations of USS SEATTLE and her crewmembers throughout her tenure as a unit of the United States Navy.
A.      The Association shall be governed by the policies as set forth in  the By-laws, and procedures not covered shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order or a quorum of the Executive Board.
B.      The Association shall be nonprofit, noncommercial, nonsectarian,  nonpartisan, and the name of the Association or its membership shall not be used in connection with a commercial concern or partisan interest.
A.      The elected offices shall be:
1.       President
2.       Vice President
3.       Secretary
4.       Treasurer
5.       Webmaster
B.      Selection and terms:
1.       All nominations for elected office in the Association shall be made in open meeting and the annual reunion general business meeting. All elections shall be decided by majority vote. If more than two (2) candidates are involved and no candidate receives a majority, the candidate with the least  number of votes will be dropped and balloting shall continue until a majority is reached.
2.       In order to become a candidate, the nominee must be a  member in good standing.
3.       All officers' terms shall be for a period of two (2) years and election shall be held on the odd numbered years.
4.       If any officer becomes incapacitated or otherwise unable to perform his duties, the President, with the concurrence of the Executive Board, shall appoint another member of the Association to fill the position for the remainder of the term.
C.      Duties of the elected officers shall be:
1.       The President shall:
a.       Preside at the reunion activities and functions.
b.       Appoint chairmen of all committees and instruct them as to their duties.
c.       Be the official spokesman for the Association.
d.       Be the presiding officer of the Executive Board and general business meetings.
e.       Appoint eligible and qualified members to                 fill appointed positions.
f.       Appoint eligible and qualified members to fill vacancies in elective offices for the unexpired terms of the vacancy.
g.       Call special meetings of the Executive Board as needed.
h.       Cast deciding vote in case of ties of the Executive Board votes.
I.       See to the spiritual well being of the Association , its members, and families.
J.       Lead the invocation and benediction at meeting and function as needed.
K.      Participate as the spiritual leader during Association memorial services.
 2.       The Vice President shall:
a.       Assist the President.
b.       Preside at meetings in the absence of the President.
c.       Succeed to the Presidency in the event that office becomes vacant.
d.       Be the membership chairman of the Association.
e.       Along with the Secretary/Treasure maintain an up to date roster and correspond with all shipmates who are non-members.
3.       The Treasurer shall:
a.       Be custodian of the corporate seal when the organization has one.
b.       Prepare reports and correspondence as required.
c.       Be the fiscal officer of the Association. 
d.       Be custodian of all properties, funds, securities, and fiscal assets of the Association.
e.       Pay all reasonable and necessary obligation of the Association.
f.        Maintain a complete and accurate record of all receipts and disbursements.
g.       Prepare annually, a statement of operation and conditions of the Association and present said statement to all members present, at the annual business meeting.
h.      Obtain a Surety Bond covering all monies and assets, and premium for such bond to be paid by the Association (when executive committee determines the need).
i.        Cause the Association financial record to be audited annually by an appointed committee.
j.      Maintain and official membership roster.
4.       Secretary shall:
a.       Attend all meetings of the Association.
b.       Make a record of those attending any meeting other than the general business meeting, and make an accurate count of the numbers attending the general  business meeting.
c.       Take notes at all meetings of any business brought before the chair.
d.       Prepare written minutes of all meetings and forward copies to the President, Vice President and Treasurer.
e.       Preserve minutes of reunion and executive board meetings.
f.       Notify all members of information pertinent to all aspects of the business and functions of the Association.
g.       Maintain lists of all officers and committee members.
7.       The Webmaster shall:
a.       Be responsible for the retention and preservation of all documents, records, photos and other memorabilia of the history of the ship and its crew.
b.       Maintain the ship's historical records, and provide and display such records to the shipmates and the general public using all means including electronic media technology available.
 c.       Keep an up to date posting of the Association's activities and up coming reunions.
d.       Maintain the website when the Association acquires one.
e.                 Continue to search for and acquire additional historic material to add to the archives.
A.      The appointed offices and committees shall be appointed by the  Executive Board and will be considered board members. These        committees shall be but not limited to:
1.       Ships Store Manager
2.       Hospitality Chairman
3.       Entertainment Chairman
4.       Site Selection Committee
5.       Audit Committee
B.      Duties of appointed offices shall be:
1.       The Ship's Store Manager shall:
a.       Be responsible for the operation of the Ship's Store and be custodian of all the related merchandise.
b.       Keep an accurate inventory of all merchandise and account for all money related to the Ship's Store and turn over to the Association Treasurer.
c.       Make suggestion and assist in ordering merchandise.
d.       Recruit volunteers to assist with the Ship's Store at reunions.
e.       Oversee the sale of raffle tickets and account for all money collected before turning over to Treasurer.
f.       Keep a record of all items donated for raffles and the names of donors.
2.       The Hospitality Chairman shall:
a.       Be responsible for the purchasing of beverages, snack items and other Hospitality Suite needs at the reunion.
b.       See that ample ice, beverages and snacks are stocked at all times.
c.       Communicate with the hotel housekeeping department to assure the Hospitality Suite is cleaned each morning.
 d.       Recruit volunteers as needed to assist with the various tasks associated with the Hospitality Suite.
3.       The Entertainment Chairman shall:
a.       With the concurrence of the elected officers, arrange for entertainment at reunions, including but not limited to various tours, speakers, live music, or disc jockeys.
4.       The Site Selection Committee shall:
a.       Determine what part of the country they want to consider for the next reunion and perhaps several years out.
b.       Compile a list of cities to be considered in the general area selected and have a request for proposal sent tothe convention and visitors bureau of each city being considered.
c.       Upon receipt of the proposals from the hotels in the various cities, screen them without bias and select the ones that will meet the needs of the Association.
d.       After determining what cities would be acceptable, present the choices to the Executive Board for their approval prior to being presented at the general business meeting for a vote by the attending members.
5.       The Audit Committee shall:
a.       Be composed of three (3) members.
b.       With the Secretary/Treasurer, conduct an audit of the Association financial records once each year at the reunion and before any open meetings.
c.       Present findings at the regular business meeting.
A.      The Executive Board shall consist of the officers and Chairman appointed by the President.
B.      The terms of the members shall be consistent with the terms of the elected officers.
C.      The Board shall hold a meeting at each reunion prior to the general business meeting at such time and place as designated by the President.
D.      Special Board meeting may be called by the President and can be conducted by conference phone call or via email.
E.      The Board will consider and decide the following:
1.       Issues involving spending of monies.
2.       Interpretation of the By-Laws of the Association.
3.       Act on grievance brought by members.
4.       Vote on recommendation for revocation or suspension of membership; such action requiring a two-thirds (2/3) vote of members present.
5.       The absorption, amalgamation, merger or affiliation with any other organization or association.
6.       All marks, insignia or other designating material relating to the Association.
7.       Site recommendations and forward them to the general membership for vote or return them to the Site Selection Committee for additional information or exploration.
A.      To qualify for membership in the Association the applicant must have served as a crewmember aboard USS SEATTLE AOE-3 and have been Honorably Discharged or Retired from the U. S. Navy. A spouse or child of a crewmember is qualified to become an guest member of the Association with no voting rights or no dues.
B.      Membership requires the completion of an application form and payment of one year's dues.
C.      Participation in any organization considered subversive to the United States of America will be cause for membership rejection.
D.      Annual dues will be __$30.00__. These dues may my determined or changed at any reunion general business meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of members present. Dues are due by January 15th each year.
E.      Rights and privileges of members in good standing shall be:
1.       To attend all reunions and vote at all elections on all issues at the general business meeting.
2.       To offer motions, recommendations and proposals from the floor at the general business meeting in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.
3.       To receive all mailings or emailing published by the Association.
4.       To present grievances to the Executive Board
F.      Members obligations shall be:
1.                 Maintain true allegiance to the United States of America.
2.                 Actively try to encourage other shipmates to join the association.
3.       To conduct themselves in a manner reflecting credit upon the Association.
 4.       To pay annual dues to remain in good standing.
The fiscal year of the Association shall be from 1 January through
31 December each year.
National Reunion
A.      The national reunion shall be held 2010 and thereafter as voted by the membership.
B.      The reunion shall be held at a time and place to be determined by the site selection committee, which shall bring the choice to the Executive Board for approval and hence to be taken to the general membership meeting to be approved by a majority vote.
C.      The reunion site shall be selected two (2) years in advance begining in 2010.
D.      Additional site selections should be advanced as early as possible, to enable the gathering of information.
Those members present, in good standing at the general business meeting, and Executive Board meeting shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transaction Association business.
This instrument known as the "USS SEATTLE AOE-3 Veterans Association By-laws" may be amended at any national reunion by a two thirds (2/3) vote in the affirmative of the members present.
A.      The Association may be dissolved by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of all members in good standing.
B.      In the event the Association is dissolved, and all funds remaining in the Treasury after all expenses are paid shall be donated to a non-profit or charitable organization with United States Navy ties, with the decision being made by a majority vote of the members voting for dissolution.