Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Bremerton, WA
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard was established in 1891 as a naval station. During World War I, the shipyard built new ships including 25 submarine chasers, six submarines, two minesweepers, seven seagoing tugs, and two ammunition ships, as well as 1,700 small boats.
The site originally opened as a repair facility, then expanded in World War I to accommodate shipbuilding. Many mothballed ships were stored here after World War II. The Korean War caused reactivation of many of these ships, and several carriers received alterations. During the war, the workforce doubled to over 15,000. Ships completed at the yard included AOEs, LPDs, and FFs. In 1979, ship construction ended at the yard and overhaul work was performed on carriers and submarines.
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard is the largest and most diverse shipyard on the West Coast, as well as being the northwest's largest naval shore activity. Additionally, it is the second largest industrial facility in the State of Washington, both in terms of plant investment and in the number of civilians employed. The shipyard mission is wide ranging in that it possesses the capabilities to overhaul and repair all types and sizes of ships of the United States Navy while also serving as home port for a nuclear aircraft carrier, two nuclear cruisers and three fleet support ships (two fast combat support ships (AOE), one replenishment fleet tanker (AOR). The shipyard's other significant capabilities include alteration, construction, deactivation, and dry docking of all types of naval vessels. The shipyard has a state-of-the-art emergency power generating system capable of providing backup power for all ships. In addition to in-yard work, the shipyard has a very active program of providing repair teams to accomplish on-site repair work on a variety of naval ships at their home port locations. Puget Sound Naval Shipyard has been recognized as the Navy's best installation worldwide and is the recipient of the 1991 Commander-in-Chief's Installation Excellence Award.
Naval Operations Base (NOB), Norfolk, VA
Naval Station Norfolk is geographically located in the Southeastern corner of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The area is collectively known as "Hampton Roads" and is commonly referred to as such by the residents of the area. Hampton Roads generally includes the Cities of Newport News, Hampton, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, and Suffolk, and is populated by over 1 million people. Naval Station Norfolk is situated in the Sewells Point area of the City of Norfolk, near the site of the battle of the Monitor and Merrimac (CSS Virginia), and is the largest naval complex in the world.
Naval Station Norfolk is the world's largest naval station, supporting 75 ships and 134 aircraft alongside 14 piers and 11 aircraft hangars.
The base houses the largest concentration of U.S. Navy forces. Air Operations conducts an average of 275 flights per day or one every six minutes. It is the hub for Navy logistics going to the European and Central Command theaters of operations, and to the Caribbean.
Naval Station Norfolk supports the operational readiness of the US Atlantic Fleet, providing facilities and services to enable mission accomplishment. We are committed to safety, security and continuous improvement in quality of life and quality of service for our Sailors and families.
While homeported in Norfolk, Seattle used Yorktown Naval Weapons Station for loading and unloading weapons and The Craney Island Fuel piers for loading and unloading fuel.
Naval Weapons Station Earle, NJ
Naval Weapons Station Earle is a United States Navy base located in Colts Neck, New Jersey. NWS Earle is one of the most serene and beautiful Navy installations in the country.
Naval Weapons Station Earle's history began in 1943, with the great need for an Ammunition Depot in the New York area to support the war effort. The location provided ships with a safe and operationally advantageous port to take on ammunition, and it also had access to commercial rail facilities with lines coming from the west, where the majority of ammunition shipments originated. The rural location of the site also allowed for minimal dislocation of the local population.
On Aug. 2, 1943, construction began on what was to be Naval Ammunition Depot Earle, named after Rear Admiral Ralph Earle, the Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance during World War One. Construction included building the military road and railway connecting main-side complex, the waterfront complex and the pier.
The pier stretches 2.2 miles into the Sandy Hook bay and comprises 2.9 miles of pier/trestle surface area. Earle continued to develop after World War II, keeping pace with the changing needs of the Navy. In 1974, Earle's name was officially changed to Naval Weapons Station Earle. The Station is divided into two sections: Main-side, located in Colts Neck, and the Waterfront Area, on Sandy Hook Bay, located in the Leonardo section of Middletown. Both areas are connected by Normandy road, a 15-mile military road and rail line.
Naval Weapons Station Earle's mission is to provide Fleet operational services and infrastructure management to support Combat Logistics Force home porting, ordnance functions, and tenant activities in execution of the National Military Strategy.